Sunday, November 22, 2009

TDX Stereo Card - Prototype Complete

25th November **Update**

It seems the white noise wasn't helped by using headphones to do my testing. As soon as I used a set of powered speakers the sound seemed much much better. There is still some white noise over the right speaker but much less so than my Audio Animator. Therefore I would say card is all good for production, once i decide if i want to add input capability or not :).

24th November **Update**

Prototype was completed tonight. Didn't take long to solder together and all worked (kinda). The only issue is hiss coming from right speaker, similar to the bread board. Will investigate. Anyway some pictures are below.




The prototype boards have turned up. Will try to get something built over the next couple of days to see if all works and how it sounds.

The card has 4 mounting holes and also a space for a connector for +5 and -5 volts to power the board without a slot. How this will get housed has not yet been decided, but at least base design can potentially be used for slotless application.

My current thoughts are now to encompass a digitiser, using info from CSA2 and also the hyperstudio audio card as an example will be back to the drawing board once I have a working board.


  1. I want one! :) How much and when?

  2. Well I am not sure at this point if i am going to continue with this card, as I want to add input capability as well...won't be long though as this didn't take long to put together. Cost wise it won't be a lot (~£35 possibly), as I am not doing this to make money, just offering something back to the A2 community :-)
